Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Jon Snow organisoi Pohjoisen puolustuksen. Cersei yrittää tasoittaa mahdollisuuksia. Samwell saa selville erittäin tärkeitä tietoja. Daenerys palaa kotiin. (HBO Nordic)

Arvostelut (2)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti Probably no one was surprised that the first episode again briefly recapitulates the storylines of all the main characters, in addition to a rather unusual repetition of Arya Stark's gala performance. Otherwise, a classic opening that treads slowly and cautiously, connecting us with the characters to make the catharsis in the subsequent stories all the more powerful. A safe move from the creators, but a very plodding pace for the viewer. In another series, maybe they would need a change and grab someone's balls from the ground up from the start. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti Oh no, I don't see any improvement compared to the previous season so far. As Arya continuously removes other people's faces from her head, I remembered Fantomas. I was truly impressed by how Cersei decorated the throne room and the royal guard, Samwell's studies at the Citadel, but especially by the number of ships Euron has. How is it possible that the Greyjoys don't rule in Westeros, considering how few of them there are? How was Varys able to return to Daenerys? ()


Kuvagalleria (74)