


In this decidedly creepy thriller from director Takeshi Furusawa, a young girl named Nana discovers that subway tunnels are home to more than just rats. From the moment she and her friend witness a train accident, Nana is subjected to a series of unnerving sightings--bloody fingerprints, tracks that disappear into black nothingness, and what appears to be the spirit of a strange woman. When Nana’s friend goes missing, Nana is forced to confront these things in the hope of finding a lead. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)


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englanti I see Oguri is a man of many genres and many faces. It was funny, I laughed out loud at some parts, but near the end, in the “tunnel of the tunnel" I looked out the window and saw it was really dark and somewhere inside me, I got a twinge, like maybe fear? Masaka! :-D My rating is based on the fact that I wasn't bored, not on how scared I was or how many cliché scenes there were (although to rate it by the number of those, it would probably make it to 6 stars. :-D). Imagining myself in that situation – yes, scary (how is it possible that the mere sight of an elevator can make me feel like standing by it, being in it, would probably make me shi... scared?). I liked it :-) Gave me lots of inspiration for making my own horror movie... X-D ()