IT Porukka

  • Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta The IT Crowd
Elokuvaklippi 5
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, (2006–2010), 9 h 29 min (Pituus: 22–26 min)


Graham Linehan, David Guarascio


Neil Hannon


Chris O'Dowd, Richard Ayoade, Katherine Parkinson, Christopher Morris, Matt Berry, Noel Fielding, Dolly Wells, Alice Lowe, Belinda Stewart-Wilson (lisää)
(lisää ammatteja)

Kaudet(4) / Jaksot(24)


Roy ja Moss raatavat rähjäisessä kellarissa suuren yrityksen ITtukena. Roy on laiska ja hänellä on surkea asenne mutta sitäkin enemmän silmää naisille, kun taas Moss pukeutuu äitinsä valitsemiin vaatteisiin, uskoo Googlen antavan vastauksen ongelmaan kuin ongelmaan ja omaa todellisia ongelmia sosiaalisten suhteiden luomisessa. Pian heidän 'asiakkaiden', roskaruoan, sarjakuvien ja palomuurien täyteisen elämänsä sekoittaa uusi IT-osaston päällikkö: Jen. Innokkaasta asenteestaan huolimatta hän ei erota edes hiirtä monitorista. Onnistuuko Jen esittelemään todellisen maailman miehille, jotka lähettävät sähköpostia palokunnalle hätätilanteen sattuessa, kehittävät psykopaatin profiilin internetdeittipalvelua varten todistaakseen kantansa ja kärsivät kerran kuussa sympaattisista kuukautisoireista? (SF Film Fin.)


Käyttäjän Necrotongue tähän sarjaan liittyvät arvostelut (29)

Turhankin tuttuja naamoja (2008) (S03E05) 

englanti I feel the same way about Facebook and all those other social evils as I do about various churches and sects, so this episode had me entertained from the get-go right up to its well-crafted ending. The party with "friends" from Friendface was a blast, and I'm genuinely relieved I wasn't there. I would have to pretend I have a wife and at least two genius kids and I don't feel like doing that. / Lesson learned: If you're meeting up with friends, make sure you've got your mobile phone or tablet handy to have someone to talk to. ()

Nörttien nakukalenteri (2008) (S03E06) 

englanti Until this episode, I actually enjoyed Jen and found her likable, flaws and all – maybe even because of them. However, in this latest season, she didn't quite win me over when she joined the now majority of hypocritical moralists. Despite some issues in this episode, I loved how Roy's selflessness and Moss's vacation provided some great entertainment too. / Lesson learned: Don't be a cockblock. ()

Season 4 (2010) (S04) 

englanti The final season, unfortunately, didn't quite live up to the earlier ones. I could only give a five-star rating to episode four; the rest were lacking a certain something. Surprisingly, I even gave just three stars to two of them. It seemed like the creators hit a creative roadblock in the fourth season, and at times, it felt like I was watching a poorly executed improv show. / Lesson learned: The trick is to quite while you're still ahead, and that didn't quite happen here. ()

Hupivastaava (2010) (S04E01) 

englanti The kickoff to the fourth season wasn't bad, although I have to admit there were a few moments where things seemed to slow down a bit. Jen adjusted to her new role surprisingly fast despite her initial shock. However, Moss stole the spotlight this time, whether as an amateur psychologist or Cave Master. Douglas Reynholm's storyline was also hilarious. / Lesson learned: If someone gives you an award, let's just hope it doesn't look like an 'Ice-Cream Man'. ()


Ja voittaja on? (2010) (S04E02) 

englanti I couldn't quite bring myself to give this episode five stars. It had its funny moments, no doubt, but I felt like the creators fell short of hitting the show's peak in this one. I appreciate the effort, especially with Roy's hilarious attempt to prove he's more than just a window cleaner, and Moss/Word being hilariously demonic at Countdown. However, it seemed like everyone was kind of doing their own thing, and I missed the team spirit. / Lesson learned: Keep thermal underwear handy, just in case. ()

Se vain naksahti (2010) (S04E03) 

englanti This seems to be the weakest episode of the series thus far. It's not like I didn't crack a smile here and there, but I was accustomed to the basement dwellers at Reynholm Industries making me roll on the floor laughing. This time around, it felt like a watered-down version. Lesson learned: If you wait twenty years with certain accusations, you will become a celebrity. ()

Italiaa aloittelijoille (2010) (S04E04) 

englanti The last episode was a bit of a letdown, but this one was fantastic. It's like the "A-team" took charge this time and turned things around after the substitute team's failure. Moss's reactions to Roy's situation were hilarious, and Jen's attempt at speaking Italian had me cracking up. However, the real highlight of this episode was the poignant life story of Roy's girlfriend and the model building that followed. / Lesson learned: When you're building a model, don't make it too lifelike. ()

Pahat pojat (2010) (S04E05) 

englanti The fifth episode turned out quite well. It didn't reach the quality of previous seasons, but I certainly wasn't disappointed. Douglas Reynholm's fake party shenanigans were a blast, and the virus-infected, browser-less laptop was hilarious. Admittedly, Roy and Moss rebelling against the system didn't amuse me that much, but the storyline had a surprise in store that made it all worthwhile:-) / Lesson learned: Have you got a virus? Seek early medication. ()

Suurin onni lyhyin on (2010) (S04E06) 

englanti The finale missed the mark for me. It was bizarre how Roy and Moss practically vanished in the last episode of the series. The farewell to The IT Crowd happened in a courtroom setting, and it didn't even revolve much around the IT department, which felt strangely out of place. The one who stayed true to his character was Douglas Reynholm, and he did manage to entertain me. However, the episode as a whole didn't work very well, and felt like it belonged to a different series altogether. / Lesson learned: I wish I could see the whole Female Star Trek. :-) ()