

Anime short KAKURENBO fashions a supremely creepy tale of atmospheric horror based on the Japanese superstition that children who play hide-and-seek after dark will be kidnapped by demons. The story centers on a little boy named Hikora, who sets out to play a variation of hide-and-seek known as Otokoyo in order to search for his sister, Sorincha, who has gone missing after playing the game. Taking place at night and requiring its players to wear fox masks, Otokoyo finds Hikora following a fellow player who may or may not be his sister through the eerily deserted, nocturnal city streets and into a secret neighborhood called "Demon City," where flickering street lights heighten the gloom and illuminate sinister statues that seem to spring to life. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)


Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti High quality graphics, excellent music, very interesting, mythology-laden story, the ending of which I liked. But it doesn't leave much of a mark. You see it, you say to yourself: "Wow, that was nice, mysterious!", then you turn it off and forget it. The most impressive thing is probably that you never see the characters’ faces, or at least it's very interesting. ^^ ()