Prichádzam dlhou cestou

kaikki julisteet
Lyhyt / Dokumentti
Tšekkoslovakia, 1988, 27 min


Mišo Suchý


Mišo Suchý


Mário Homolka


Martin Burlas
(lisää ammatteja)


Made in late 80's shortly before his emigration, Mišo Suchý's thesis project was filmed along the dusty roads of Eastern Slovakia in Romani settlements on the periphery of villages and a society "building" socialism. The film visibly reflects the influence of documentary filmmaker Martin Slivka, who was Suchý's mentor. It foreshadows several characteristic features of Suchý's own filmmaking style, for instance the cinematic use of still photographs and their lingering effect through the process of film editing. (IFF Bratislava)
