
Ruritanian kuningas Rudolfin uskolliset ystävät pelkäävät kuninkaansa olevan vaarassa ja päättävät korvata tämän kaksoisolennolla. Mikä erehdys! Sydney Frewin saattaa olla kuninkaan kaksoiskuva, mutta tämä Lontoosta eksynyt kuljettaja ei tiedä tuon taivaallista kuningaskunnan johtamisesta. Kun oikea kuningas siepataan ja pahansuopa herttua Michael valmistautuu kruunattavaksi, Sydney ilmestyy yllättäen paikalle. Siitä alkaakin jyrkkä alamäki Ruritanian valtakunnassa. (Future film)


Arvostelut (1)



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englanti Judging by the trailer, it seemed that I was in for a thriller uncannily similar to the Burian film Lelíček in the Services of Sherlock Holmes, which is why I was struck by two words on the DVD cover: Romantic comedy. Well, surprisingly enough, The Prisoner of Zenda turned out to be quite a fresh combination of both genres, with a spirit of adventure that seems to be in the style of films with Jean Marais or Gérard Philippe. What can we say, Peter Sellers is traditionally great in all his roles. The death of Rudolf IV the Indestructible (nomen omen as a madman) from the opening credits is almost unparalleled, his son Michael, with his adorable speech and character defects, is also unparalleled, and the London coachman, who swings his whip like Indiana Jones, is about as likeable as it gets. The film is not full of jokes, but it certainly entertains (the preparations for the coronation and the incompetent archbishop, the finale with the owls and chickens), and it also manages to attract attention with its romantic storyline (yes, it is there), in which Sellers may surprise some with his sympathetically civil speech. As for the supporting characters, there are at least three worth mentioning: The sensational jailer Bruno ("How is the prisoner?" - "Terrible!"), whom I fell in love with, the Count, who is rightly jealous, but mostly unfortunately of the wrong person, and also the literally laughing aide-de-camp of his half-brother Rudolf and his transformation. Four pure stars. ()