
Pálos Viktor is out of clink after serving his sentence, although he is an innocent man. He moves into Berek's place, a grocer and a relative of his living in the country. He there meets Sipos Katalin, the blind adopted daughter of Meller, a watchmaker. He falls in love with the beautiful girl. In the meantime, Bosnyák Józsi, a lazy man, has picked the girl for himself. He steals the Berek family's saved-up money. Suspicion falls on Pálos. Józsi turns up, introducing himself to the Mellers as a rich suitor. Pálos is arrested, but Katalin, a woman in love, instinctively thinks otherwise and she finds the iron chest, which has been hidden. Mrs. Berek is so grateful to the girl for what she has done that she decides to have her eyes operated on. Katalin, having regained her vision, chooses Viktor, who was secretly hopeful that choice would fall on him. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)



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